Fet Bondye Bo Lanme: Day 1

Fet Bondye Bo Lanme 2012 commenced today and it truly is the BEST CAMP EVER!  Each year we learn how to better work together, deal with logistics and plan activities that truly engage and excite the children.

Some highlights:

  • In science the children got to see that you can cook rice with a solar oven–they didn’t believe it could be done!
  • The older youth started learning the R. Kelly song “World’s Greatest."  They responded to that with great enthusiasm and we should have a pretty good performance sometime this week.
  • In games campers had fun launching balls with a parachute on the soccer field, which is a much better space for games and opening that last year.
  • Storytelling focused on the creation story, as our theme is Care for Creation. 
  • In art children assumed the role of co-creaters and made tissue paper flowers.

We thank you for supporting us, praying for us, and for walking with us in this mission to bring hope, sustainability and dignity to the children of Haiti.

Bring on Day 2!