Smart Investments

The article linked above discusses effectiveness of aid on a more macro/global scale, but the idea of smart investment in the context of aid is something that HTF knows a lot about.

“Insider trading” is positive thing in this context.  Public information is not always reflective of the truth of Haiti or Haitians.  The core of HTF is relationships.  That means we walk with our Haitian family and listen to the needs they identify before making assessments.

HTF is an angel that God sent to Haiti to help me realize my goal of helping save thousands of children on the streets who have been infected or affected by HIV/AIDS; children who are restaveks; orphans and their families.  I really love it when HTF comes into town, and I can meet them face to face, and have them stand with me as we improve the lives of children.  Of the nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) who have spent the last 30 years in Haiti, none have accomplished as much as HTF has accomplished in the last 10.

Verbo Jean Julien
, HTF Partnership Development Director in Haiti