Mother is Really Something


Nephtaly Pierre-Louis, a second-year HELP student, wrote this piece about his mother earlier in the school year as part of an assignment.  We’d like to share it with you to celebrate Mother’s Day.

“DELIGHT IN DEVOTION” “My mother, Marie-Andrée, is really something”; if I was the author this would probably be the title of my story because Marie-Andrée Beaublanc is still alive.  The title would suggest that she is special for me. As the author’s mother, my mother is my mentor and my coach.  She gave everything for my education. Without a father figure she invested her life in raising me up. Her devotion makes me aware of her love for me, which is my motivation to do everything right in my life.

THINK BIG” My mother taught me how to be optimistic in life. She told me that happiness is the most important: “It will help you to fight against difficulties, to challenge life” As the author’s mother did, my mother raised my self-esteem and helped me reach my potential. “You are my pride” she always said to congratulate or motivate me.

“TOUR GUIDE” For my mother, education was the key to success. “I have no inheritance or wealth to leave you except education” she always told me. She urged me to love knowledge and she helped me to work at school in order to have great grades. When it was time to think about college I had no difficulties to earn a scholarship.

As the author’s mother, mine is really generous. Even though I was her only son, we were never alone at home. My Mother was the eldest of grandpa children. She helped him to educate all her siblings by housing them during their high school days. I always had an uncle and aunt at home to support me. Marie-Andree believes in family solidarity and according to her children’s success honors the whole family.