CLM Update: Louitane

Continuing with our #TransformationTuesday updates of HTF-sponsored CLM members, we celebrate the progress of Louitane and also the 20th birthday of Fonkoze!  Louitane’s story of hope is one of MANY made possible through the guidance and expertise of Fonkoze.

Louitane also chose goat and pig rearing. But there’s a difference. Monique, like most of the women who choose to raise pigs, asked for a female. They know they can’t make a lot of money if their sow has lots of piglets. But Louitane and her husband decided to raise a boar.

If they feed it well, it should put on weight quickly, and they’ll be able to sell it at a large profit. The food they will occasionally buy will act as a deposit in a savings account, continually adding to the boar’s final value. And since they can supplement it by scavenging, they’ll be able to add further to their savings by investing sweat equity.